Swelling of the nose after Rhinoplasty and ways to eliminate it

nose swelling

Swelling of the nose after Rhinoplasty and ways to eliminate it


Finding ways to reduces swelling of the nose is one of the concerns for people who do rhinoplasty recently. But how long does the swelling of the nose take after surgery? What causes swelling of the nasal septum after surgery and does it improve? What causes unilateral swelling of the nose after surgery? And what causes inflation between two eyebrows after surgery in some people? How is the swelling of the nose at the first days and months after rhinoplasty? Why is swelling of fleshy nose more than bony nose? What are the best ways to reduce the nose swelling? What should we eat to reduce the nose inflation? what is an ampule to reduce swelling of the nose? Does massage has an effect on decreasing nose swelling? Get your answers in the content.

Types of nose swelling after surgery We have two kinds of nose swelling:

  1. Acute nose swelling
  2. Chronic nose swelling

Acute nose swelling is common until one to two months after rhinoplasty. This inflation is because of strikes during nose surgery and rebuilding it. This swelling and bruising have been eliminated at the first month but for fleshy noses it may take to two months or more.  It doesn’t need to be worry about acute nose swelling because it disappears well in most of people.

In chronic inflammation, Interstitial fluid deposits under skin after rhinoplasty and maybe it changes to a texture that is different in different parts of a nose. Chronic swelling may take time until several months on the both sides of a nose, or swelling of nasal bridge that prevents form of nasal arch well. Also swelling of tip of the nose takes more time to disappear.


How long does swelling of the nose take after rhinoplasty?

Acute nose swelling is completely obvious and it disappears until two or three months. But chronic nose swelling depends on skin thickness may take time until six months or one year and in fleshy noses even until two years. In the fallowing we will talk about swelling of the nose in different months. In this content we want to reduce your concerns and stresses about the process of reducing nose swelling by giving you information about the reasons and ways to accelerate this process.


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Levels of reducing nose swelling after rhinoplasty.

Here we analyze levels of reducing nose swelling in each month. You can do best actions based on times after your rhinoplasty.


– Swelling of the nose after one week

At the first week after rhinhoplasty, splint will be removed. Your expectation from your nose is a fat and swollen one. But if your nasal bone has changed significantly you can see nasal hump’s changes, well. specially if a large hump has removed from your nose. Maybe you feel tip of your nose, cheeks and upper lip are wide, stiff and being bruised from the front view.

Amount of bruising from zero (50% of patient) to slight (40%) and middle (10%) is variable. It is common to see Slight asymmetry with common uneven swelling. Shaping and improving the shape of a nose by injection, sticking and special massage techniques for a nose after rhihnoplasty to eliminate this inflation used in about twenty percent of cases.


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– Swelling of the nose after one month

Four to six weeks after rhinoplasty:

your next visit by doctor is one month or four to six month after nose surgery. At this time most of patients are excited about form of their nose and every week they can see significant improvements in form and position of tip of the nose. At this level, people with bony nose and suitable skin feel that their nose is more beautiful. But, people with fleshy nose and thicker skin or people who do rhinoplasty for the second time have significant inflation. At the first month, to reduce nose swelling, it is necessary to use tape on the nose.

However for some people it is needed to use a nasal adhesive for a longer time that depends on surgeon diagnosis. At this level you can not judge the final result of your surgery. There is still a lot of swelling and tissue regeneration. At this stage, in about 10% of cases, special injections and massage techniques are used.

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– Swelling of the nose after three months:

3-4 months after the operation, with the reduction of swelling, the delicacy of your nose becomes more visible. Especially the tip of the nose will gradually find its shape. But, keep in mind that the final result is not yet clear and the nose is still not quite thin compared to 1-2 years after surgery but until this moment most people feel better about their noses when taking pictures.

In most cases, after three months is the last visit for follow-up after rhinoplasty. Injections, nasal patches and massages are rarely seen at this stage.


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– Swelling of the nose after one year:

If a year has passed since your nose operation and your nose is still swollen, maybe you like to know the reason of nose swelling after one year?

Most facial plastic surgeons tell you that swelling is normal up to a year after rhinoplasty. You should know that one year is a general standard in some cases it may take a year and a half to 2 years.

Swelling after surgery usually persists more in tip of the nose than in other areas. So if tip of your nose is still swollen then it means you are still recovering after the operation. Also pay attention to the time of inflation. If this happens more in the morning and then subsides during the day, you are probably still in recovery. You may also notice significant swelling after you took a shower.


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Swelling of the nose may have gone completely in six months to one year in people who have bony noses but for people with fleshy noses and thick skin may take times more than one year and even until two to three months.

So do not worry by observing rhinitis after seven months or a year or even longer and do not judge the result of your nose. let the recovering process take place over time and be patient to see the swelling  has gone completely and see the final result.


Swelling after removing the adhesive

Why does the nose swell after removing the adhesive? Postoperative nasal patching reduces nasal swelling. Sticking to the skin also helps it adhere to the underlying tissue and reduce swelling. Now when you remove your nasal patch to replace it, you may feel that your nose is swollen. This swelling is completely normal and it is due to the removal of adhesive pressure from the nose, and because of this the nose begins to swell. Depends on the type of your nose, it is necessary to glue it up to a month to three months.


Factors effecting on amount of swelling after rhinoplasty

Sometimes it may take more time for inflation to reduce. Factors that can increase the duration, complete recovery of inflation, are:

  • Thicker skin, greasy skin or bruised skin or skin that generally swells faster.
  • Re-nasal surgery, the initial nasal operation heals faster, but revision or re-nasal surgery can take up to twice as long.
  • Excessive shrinkage of a nose. No skin is removed during rhinoplasty. Therefore, skin regeneration takes longer time than a smaller new nose.


How long does swelling of the fleshy nose take after surgery?

When does swelling of the fleshy nose eliminate? How long does it take? There is still swelling in fleshy noses after one year, what is the reason? As mentioned before, recovering of fleshy nose swelling may take more than one to two years. The reason for longer swelling of the fleshy nose with thick skin is explained below:

Patients with thicker skin have longer nose swelling after surgery than other patients. In thick skin swelling of tip of the nose may take time until two years or even more. This swelling is related to fluid retention and scarring. We all retain more fluids on some days than on other days. Larger amounts of fluid are retained in scar tissue than in other tissues because they have less resistant. This swelling is slightly more common in women because they retain fluids several days a month.

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Nasal hump swelling after surgery

One of the concerns for some people is swelling of the bones and nasal blade after surgery. Swelling of the nasal bridge after surgery is visible in some patients and maybe they think there is still a hump on the nasal bridge.

The bumps that you may feel after rhinoplasty are related to the swelling caused by the strikes to the nasal bone. This rhinitis is more common after surgery, especially in bony noses. Treatment of rhinitis is usually done by gluing and massaging the nose (by a doctor) after 4 to 6 weeks.

Bumps that you may feel on your nose after surgery It is most likely related to osteotomy (controlled incision and fracture of the nasal bone), especially in bony nasal surgery. It is normal to have a slight thickness and bulge in the first few weeks after surgery.

It will take you three months to decide on these postoperative nasal bumps.

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What should you do if swelling of the nasal hump didn’t disappear?

If the bulge on the nose persists after the recovering time, it may not be due to swelling. Therefore, after a year and the complete disappearance of the swelling, you can remove this bulge by referring to your surgeon and doing a nasal scraping. In any case, consult your doctor before making any decision.


Swelling between the eyebrows after rhinoplasty

Temporary swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose and distance between the eyebrows at first increases and reaches its peak after 2 or 3 days.  Most swelling and bruising should disappear within 2 weeks after surgery. Some mild swelling (which is only visible to you) will remain for several months. Recovery and reduction of inflation is a slow and gradual process.


What causes swelling of one side of the nose after surgery and how can it be treated?

It is not uncommon for one side of the nose to be slightly different from the other. In fact, uneven swelling after rhinoplasty is very common. In crooked noses, the skin is pushed out for a long time and takes on a special shape. When the bone and cartilage beneath it flattens, it often takes some time for the skin to contract and stick to the new surface to make the nose look smoother.

Asymmetric swelling is also perfectly normal on the face. For example, if you usually sleep on one side, the other side may be often swollen.

If there is unilateral swelling of the nose after surgery, this roughness may sometimes change direction. Over time, this apparent asymmetry must improve and not get worse. Conclusion in the first few weeks to a few months after surgery is so early. Check the part that you feel is fuller, if the tissue is spongy and compact, it may be due to swelling and it will remove over time. Talk to your surgeon about your concerns. If needed, massage and corticosteroid injections can be helpful in reducing unilateral nasal swelling.


Ways to eliminate postoperative nose swelling

There are effective ways to reduce swelling and bruising after rhinoplasty. Some treatments for reducing swelling of the nose need to be done by a person at home while others, while others need to be done by a doctor. In the fallowing we will talk about the best ways to reduce nose swelling.

Home treatment of nose swelling after surgery

Some home remedies for reducing nose swelling after surgery are listed below:

  • Follow a proper diet after surgery
  • Lack of stress about the outcome of the nose
  • Use a cold compress around the nose and eyes
  • Do not lower your head for a long time
  • Keep your head higher than your body level during sleep
  • Short walks and light exercise
  • Gluing the nose correctly
  • Postoperative nasal massage to reduce swelling

Point: How to massage the nose is very important to reduce postoperative swelling. Do not do any nasal massage without training by your doctor. How to glue and massage the nose must be taught by your doctor so that you can do it correctly at home.


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What should we eat for nose swelling after surgery?

You need to have an appropriate diet to eliminate bruising and swelling after rhinoplasty. Diet is especially important in the first 1 to 2 months after surgery. Reduce your intake of salt and spices that increase nasal congestion. Increase the amount of water you drink during the day.

Also, consuming some complementary foods helps to improve swelling and bruising after surgery. Such as pineapple or pineapple capsules, that because of having an enzyme called Bromoline accelerates wound healing and helps to reduce bruising and acute inflammation later. Of course, it has no long-term effect on chronic swelling.

Celery juice, which is a negative calorie food, helps reduce postoperative swelling. Especially if consumed with puree.

Eating fiber foods and preventing severe constipation also helps reduce swelling.


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Corticosteroid injection to reduce swelling

The substance that is injected into the nose to reduce swelling is from the family of corticosteroids, which are anti-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory substances. The dose used for nasal subcutaneous injection is very low, so do not worry about its side effects. As a result of this injection, local swellings disappear, especially in unilateral swellings of the nose.  Therefore, it is not used for large nose and general nasal inflammation.

The parts of the nose that are usually injected include the sides of the nose, the back of the tip of the nose or the tip of the nose itself, and other localized parts of the nose. The exact time of corticosteroid injection to reduce swelling is not known, but it is usually done one month after rhinoplasty and in one to three sessions.nose swelling


Swelling includes two types of acute inflammation and chronic inflammation. Acute swelling usually goes away within the first month of rhinoplasty, but chronic swelling may last up to a month. The duration of swelling depends on the thickness of the nasal skin. The thicker the skin, the later the swelling disappears. Swollen hump on the nose after surgery, unilateral swelling of the nose, and swelling and bruising around the eyes are possible and temporary complications of rhinoplasty.

Postoperative care such as a low-salt diet, pineapple and celery consumption, as well as no pressure on the nose can help the recovering of nose swelling faster. In some cases, your doctor may teach you to massage your nose. Corticosteroid injections may also be given by your doctor to treat some local swelling. In any case, be patient to reduce swelling. The final result will be determined one to two years after the operation.

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