How is nasal scraping done after surgery?

nasal scraping

How is nasal scraping done after surgery?


Nasal scraping or rasping is a solution to remove the hump left after the operation. The anatomy of the nasal hump is complex and to ensure the correct correction, the rhinosurgeon must have enough knowledge about it. If the nasal hump is not removed properly, a nasal scraping may be needed after the operation. But most people who face with the scraping nose phrase do not know about it. So they are so worried about doing something again. But scraping the nose is not the same as nose surgery. In the following, we will talk more about scraping the nose.

What is nasal scraping or rasping technique?

Nasal scraper after nasal surgery is used for people whose nasal hump has not been removed properly after surgery. Also, people whose nasal surface is uneven after surgery can use a scraper. In this method uses a scraper tool that is similar to a nail file. This file is made of stainless steel.  Therefore, the remaining hump on the nose is removed by scraping the nose.


nasal scraping


 Does nasal scraping use for all types of nasal humps?

 No, be careful if the nasal hump is high, scraping can not be used to remove excess nasal bone. In these cases, the nasal bone needs to be broken and repaired. Finally, a scraper is used to smooth the small bumps.

nasal scraping


What are the types of nose scrapers?                                                 

  nasal scraping                                           

There are different types of nasal scrapers that are used for the following applications.


Rasp with large ivory: To smooth out medium humps

Needle-shape rasp: To smooth large humps

Smooth rasp: For final smoothing


How is a nose scraping done?

Nose scraping is done by closed nose operation, especially in nasal reconstructive operations and in cases where it is only necessary to remove the nasal hump. Of course, keep in mind that it can be done in both open and closed methods. Determining the best procedure is based on the surgeon’s discretion.


nasal scraping


How is nasal scraping in closed method?

Usually in nasal scraping is not required an open rhinoplasty. Because there is no need to correct tip of a  nose. In the closed method, no external stitches and incisions are made.

nasal scraping


Does nose scraping have any pain?

Nasal scraping surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. So you will not feel any pain during the surgery and there is no pain after surgery. If you feel any pain, it can be controlled by taking prescribed painkillers.


nasal scraping


Is nasal scraping performed under local anesthesia?

Yes, anesthesia is definitely not needed for scraping. It can also be done under local anesthesia.


How long does it take the recovering process after nasal scraping?

Recovery after close rhinoplasty will be faster than open rhinoplasty. No external incision is made and the healing time is short. Of course, there may be swelling and bruising. Glue your nose 5 to 7 days after scraping. It is best to avoid heavy exercise for two weeks after nasal scraping and until the swelling and bruising disappears.


 Is it still possible to re-operate the nose after scraping the nose?

Yes, rasping or scraping will not interfere with future rhinoplasty.


How do shaved bones exit after nasal scraping?

 When rasping is completed, the place is washed with sterile saline solution, which removes most of the bone fragments or powder. Before closing the incisions, the area is thoroughly washed with sterile saline solution. This removes most of the shaved parts of the bone. Even if some of these small bones remain, it is not enough to affect the healing process and the appearance of your nose.

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