The Right way of washing a nose after Rhinoplasty

washing a nose

The Right way of washing a nose after Rhinoplasty


The way of washing a nose and cleaning it with cotton swab or sodium chloride after Rhinoplasty is one of the biggest concerns among people who do it. In recovering period after having a nose-job it is very important to wash a face and inside a nose with salt serum and the right use of ointment. Because cleaning a nose prevents infection and bad smells of a nose and also prevents congestion after Rhinoplasty because of aggregation of mucus and dry blood in a nose. So we will tell you how to prepare washing drops and salt serum at home. At the end, we will teach you the way of using sodium chloride washing serum and swab cotton.

Importance of washing nose after Rhinoplasty.

Most of people do Rhinoplasty each year. Some of them do it for recovering their breathing and some do it for beauty. But the observance of health instructions after surgery in recovering period is as important as the surgery. Because a good care in these periods can affect the result of surgery. One of these cares is washing and cleaning a nose that has a lot of advantages like:

Prevent gathering of mucus and infection after Rhinoplasty.

Remove nasal congestion and help to breathe easier and better.

Remove thrombus and dry blood inside a nose.

Prevent to make bad smelling after surgery.


benefit of cleaning nose after rhinoplasty


After surgery when can we clean our nose?

Since you leave hospital and come back home you can clean your nose. But at the first three weeks you can not wash your nose. Because after Rhinoplasty the surgeon put a plastic nasal splint on your nose and bandage it. Sometimes in addition of splint you should have a nose tampon inside your nose. Because of this reason you are not permitted to wash your nose because your splint and tampon should not wet but you can clean it.


washing a nose


How is washing a nose after surgery?

Cleaning a nose after surgery is one of the challenges for people who do Rhinoplasty. The way of washing a nose after surgery in each week is different based on nose changes and existence of splint or stitch. Because of this reason we will explain the correct way of washing a nose in each week.

– Washing a nose and face at the first week

As said before, at the first week splint and tampon shouldn’t wet so you can’t wash your nose. But at the third or fourth day some ichor may exit from a nose so you can clean your nose and face by a wet cotton and warm water and clean around a nose and bandages. At that time use a prescribe drop by your doctor.

Finally, at the sixth day before removing a splint you should go bathroom and let the water pass from the it causes to removes it easily from your nose at the seventh day you visit the doctor.

cleaning nose after rhinoplasty


– Washing a nose with serum or cotton swab at the second or third week

The best liquid for washing a nose is 9% normal saline serum or sodium chloride serum. You can buy this serum from pharmacy or make it at home.  (The way of making it will explain in the fallowing). During the second and third week use cotton swab smeared with normal saline liquid to clean your nose. You should do it carefully and calm since doesn’t hurt your nose. During this period use the prescribed drop by your doctor.

In the fallowing picture you can see the right way of washing a nose with cotton swab.

washing nose after rhinoplasty


Washing a nose after the fourth week (with serum and syringe)

At this level a nose and its structure has gotten a good recovery. So you are permitted to use a syringe to enter serum inside a nose and wash it.

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How to washing nose after rhinoplasty?

First you should prepare a 10 cc syringe from pharmacy. Put away its needle then sit down or standup and bend your head. After that enter a liquid with syringe inside your nasal cavity and simultaneously blow out the air from your nose slowly. Be careful that the liquid doesn’t enter your throat. Do this activity for both nasal cavities. During washing a nose absorbent suture with some dry blood may exit from nasal cavities. Do not worry and continue to wash. In the picture below you can see the way of using a syringe.


washing a nose


The important points you should pay attention during washing a nose!

Don’t blow your nose to clean it and remove blood clots. At least three months after nose surgery you shouldn’t blow your nose. We can point to the rupture of blood vessels and an injury of nasal passages as a complication of blowing your nose after surgery

  • Never use your finger or tissue to clean your nose.
  • Be careful don’t hurt your nose during washing.
  • If you feel sneezing or coughing during washing a nose just do it with open mouth.
  • After washing a nose use an ointment (that will be said in the fallowing) to prevent nose dryness.

washing a nose



How long does it continue to wash a nose after surgery?

It’s better to wash a nose after surgery until two months every six hours. Then after two months you can wash your nose like before.

How to make a salt serum at home?                                                 

At first bold some water then mix one tea spoon salt in a cup of water and let it become cold. Now your nose washing liquid is ready.

washing a nose

What are the ointments after Rhinoplasty?

– Ointments that should be used at the first week:

After surgery at the first week use the prescribed antibiotic ointments by your doctor like Tetracycline to prevent infection and nose dryness. The right way of using an ointment after surgery: first clean the stitches with swab cotton smeared with normal saline serum and with another one clean the external stitches under nasal cavity. After that again use other swab cotton smeared with an ointment and enter it inside nasal cavities and carefully scrub the ointment inside the nasal cavities. Just scrub the front side of nasal cavity with the ointment and do not enter the swab cotton till the middle of a nose suddenly.

washing a nose

– Ointments should be used after the second week:

At the second week after surgery you can use an A ointment to keep smooth the place of external stitches and inside nasal cavities because stitches and splint are removed. If you are concern about the remains of surgical scars on Columella (the distance between two nasal cavities) you can use an ointment to remove the place of stitches. Vitamin A ointment and Vaseline are useful to recover the place of stitches.

Finally, you should know that if you observe these factors you can pass ten days of recovering periods,   well and get good result from your surgery. if you face with an unusual bleeding or nose infection you have to call your doctor.

If you have any question and you want to know about the price of Rhinoplasty or you are confuse to choose the right surgeon, just contact with us now.

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