Taking Anaheal pills after rhinoplasty to reduce nose swelling

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Taking Anaheal pills after rhinoplasty to reduce nose swelling


In this article, we have given a complete explanation about taking various pills after rhinoplasty, including Rakutan, Anaheal pills , Corton, Prednisolone, Propecia and effervescent pills and we will tell you why the best pill to reduce postoperative nose swelling is just Anaheal pills. Join us by watching this clip.

“Be aware that taking without prescribing any medication may have side effects.”

Is Rakutan pills good for nose swelling?

Rakutan is a brand name for Isotretinoin tablets. Isotretinoin is a derivative of vitamin A that is available under various brands including Rakutan, Accutane, Isotretinoininexal, Soft Skin, Acnotren. The most important use of this drug is in treatment of pimples and cystic acne.

Rakutan tablets should be discontinued 6 months before rhinoplasty. Patients are also advised to stop taking Accutane for about three months after rhinoplasty.
Rakutan is not recommended to reduce nose swelling. Only in some cases, in fleshy noses with very thick and oily skin, Rakutan can be used after two months, under the supervision of a doctor and according to her/his prescription.

Also, according to research conducted by Iranian plastic surgeons, it was determined that Although the use of oral Isotretinoin after surgery in patients with thick nasal skin may improve cosmetic outcomes in the first months after surgery, But it does not have a significant effect on the final result of the nose operation one year after the surgery.


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Complications of Rakutan after rhinoplasty

Isotretinoin may have a drying effect on your nasal mucosa. This dryness may lead to nosebleeds. Rakutan is also very harmful to the liver. Those who want to take Rakutan should have a liver test every three months. Therefore, it must be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Over-the-counter sales of Rakutan tablets are prohibited in pharmacies.

Does Rakutan make the skin of nose thinner?

There is no evidence that skin is thinning under the influence of Rakutan. Due to the reduction of fat production, Accutane makes the skin brittle or more sensitive.

Anaheal pills for nose swelling (pineapple pills)                                  anahil pills

First of all, it is good to know that taking Anaheal pills to reduce nose swelling

is not mentioned in any reliable sources and references.

But taking this pill is not prohibited.

This pill is rich in vitamin C and helps to heal patient’s wounds.
Anaheal pills are made from a substance called bromelain found in pineapple.

Bromelain is effective in reducing nose swelling and postoperative nasal bruising.

It also helps in eliminating skin inflammations.



How to take Anaheal pills after rhinoplasty (when to take Anaheal tablets)?

It is best to take this pill with a doctor’s opinion and advice. But in general, the method of taking Anaheal tablets to reduce nose swelling is to take it twice a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, for two to three months after removing the splint. Taking this pill for more than three months will not reduce the swelling of the nose. In other words, this pill has no effect on eliminating chronic inflammation.

What are the benefits of Anaheal pills?

Here are some of the benefits of Anaheal pills:

– Reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing of surgical wounds and burns
– Contains the active substance bromelain derived from the pineapple plant
– Helps to digest proteins in the stomach and intestines
– Wound healing (scar removal)
– Removal of dead blood and bruising
– Reduce pain and inflammation


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What are the side effects of Anaheal pills?

In general, Anaheal pills do not have any side effects. Just because Anaheal pills are warm in nature can cause pimples on your nose. Therefore, it is recommended that you start taking this pill after removing the nasal plaster. Because nasal plaster prevents air to reach the skin of nose and there is possibility of acne under nasal plaster. As a result, it increases the swelling of the nose. Patients who prefer not to take pills can use pineapple directly.

Corticosteroids to reduce nose swelling

Corticosteroids are not recommended at all to reduce nose swelling. They may be effective in reducing nose swelling, but because they have a systemic effect and affect the whole body, they have very severe side effects.

Prednisolone tablets to reduce nose swelling

Corticosteroids, including prednisolone tablets, have many side effects and are not recommended at all. Corticosteroids should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription.
Propecia tablets for nose swelling
Propecia or Finasteride is an effective remedy for hair loss and helps hair regrowth. Taking Propecia pills has no effect on reducing nose swelling. This medicine can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription.

Effervescent tablets after nasal surgery

Taking effervescent pills after rhinoplasty will help to heal wounds because it contains vitamin C .

Our dear patient’s experience of taking Anaheal pills to reduce her nose swelling

she says “My nose was fleshy, and when I had the nose surgery, it was very swollen right after the operation, and it looked even bigger than before”. As those around me said, your nose is not different from before the surgery.

But with the information I already had about fleshy nose surgery and with my doctor’s advice, I knew that my fleshy nose would be severely swollen after the operation and that it was not the final shape of my nose. “Therefore, according to my doctor’s instructions, I took all the necessary precautions to reduce postoperative rhinitis.”
We asked her if she had taken any pills to reduce her runny nose.

she replied: “Yes, I continued to take Anaheal pills daily, morning and night, for about 10 days after removing my nasal splint, as prescribed by my doctor.” I also took a lot of pineapple with the Anaheal pill, which I think was effective in reducing my nose swelling. I also increased drinking liquids and water during my recovery period.

What advice do you have for dear patients who are worried about their nose swelling?

“I recommend that they follow all the necessary postoperative care according to their doctor’s instructions, and finally be patient and do not have stress.”

If you have any questions about post-operative rhinoplasty pills, ask Medovica doctors in the comments section.

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