What medications should we take after rhinoplasty?


What medications should we take after rhinoplasty?


what medications to take after rhinoplasty is one of the ambiguities that always exist after rhinoplasty is . Or which medicine causes faster recovery and better results? Which medications should not be taken after rhinoplasty? How to take or prescribe medications after rhinoplasty? Which medications are best for reducing rhinitis? Do pills and medications cause allergies?




In this article, we are going to answer these questions as well as introduce the most commonly used medicines after rhinoplasty that are also prescribed by most physicians.

Things to know before taking medications:

It is very important to follow and know a series of points before starting to take medicine after rhinoplasty.

First point: The first and most important point is that the medicine you are taking must be under doctor’s opinion or nasal surgeon and you should not take the medicine arbitrarily in any way.

Second point: Be sure to do tests before rhinoplasty and in case of any underlying disease or allergies, discuss it with your doctor, because it has a direct effect on prescribing your medications.

Third point: Do not take medications according to the advice of others because each person’s physical condition and physical reaction to drug is different.





Most medications taken after rhinoplasty:

medicines are usually started 6 to 8 hours after rhinoplasty.
In general, medications that are prescribed after rhinoplasty are mostly included: Antibiotics, painkillers, cold pills, nasal drops, anaheal pills, prednisolone pills and ointments.

In the following article, we will review each of these medications.




Antibiotics are usually prescribed to prevent infection.
Amoxicillin 500 capsule is one of the most common antibiotics that is taken once every 8 hours.





Pain killers:

Painkillers are usually used after a meal to reduce pain and swelling.
Most doctors and surgeons prescribe gelofen and naproxen tablets.



Cold pills:

Cold pills, such as acetaminophen, are used to reduce sneezing and runny nose.
Doctors usually prescribe cold pills up to 3 days after removing the nasal bandage.




Nasal drops:

Nasal drops are usually prescribed to prevent possible bleeding after rhinoplasty.
One of the most famous drops can be called the phenylefrine that is used every 3 hours for 3 to 4 days after the operation.





Anaheal pills:

Anaheal tablets are made from a substance called Bromelain found in pineapple. Bromelain is effective in reducing rhinitis and postoperative nasal bruising. Anaheal pills are also very helpful in relieving skin inflammation.







Prednisolone tablets:

Corticosteroids, including prednisolone tablets, have many side effects and are not recommended at all.

Corticosteroids should only be taken with a doctor’s prescription.



Ointment after rhinoplasty:

Repair ointments can be used to reduce sores and nasal sutures.
Tetracycline ointment and zinc oxide ointment are two of the most useful ointments.
Tetracycline ointment is used inside the nose and zinc oxide ointment is used for sutures on the skin.







Which medications should not be taken after rhinoplasty?

Never use medicine that are similar to those prescribed by your doctor.
Also, do not generally use medications that dilute blood, such as aspirin, as it increases the risk of bleeding after rhinoplasty.


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