Tape on the nose after surgery | Right way and Wrong way | medvika

wrong way of gluing a nose

Tape on the nose after surgery | Right way and Wrong way | medvika


wrong way of taping on the nose after rhinoplasty , loosening or tightening of nasal adhesive can have side effects on your nose. Applying nasal tape is not a difficult task. But due to insufficient training, you may be worried about sticking your nose incorrectly. But does the wrong way of taping nose have any effect? What are complications of too much taping on the nose after rhinoplasty? In this article, we will talk about the side effects of making a wrong nasal adhesive. Stay with us.


wrong way of taping on the nose



Wrong way of tape on the nose

Usually when you see your doctor to remove the splint and pull the stitches the surgeon will teach you how to properly glue your nose. When your surgeon wants to glue your nose, it is best to record a video to see how your surgeon glues your nose. There are also some training videos on the internet to prevent wrong way of taping a nose . We suggest you check the link bellow to see the training video.

Tightening or loosening the nasal adhesive is a common mistake. Each of these mistakes can have consequences.

For information on how to properly glue the nose, be sure to watch the instructional video of nose sticking in the following link:

Complications of wrong way of taping nose

First of all, it is good to know that wrong way of taping on the nose does not affect the long-term and final shape of your nose. But correct way of taping your nose after rhinoplasty will help faster and better recovery of swelling of your nose. Especially in the first two weeks after Rhinoplasty , it is very important not to stick your nose in the wrong way. In other words, too much tightening or loosening of taping nose can have temporary side effects for you.


wrong way of gluing a nose

Side effects of tight nasal adhesive:

taping nose tightly causes wrinkle of nasal fins and this effect can be seen after opening the adhesive. So immediately after removing the adhesive, your nose may look out of proportion. Also if one side of the nose is tighter than the other, there may be less swelling on the other side of your nose where the adhesive is stiff.

– Side effects of loose nasal adhesive:

Loosen the nasal adhesive have no difference with do not glue nose. Loose glue will not reduce the swelling of a nose. Therefore, the nasal adhesive should not be too tight or too loose.

If you are worried about taping your nose wrong, you can go to your doctor’s office at the first two times, which is an important time to heal your nose. You need to glue your nose for at least a month, so in any case you need to learn the right way.


– Side effects of taping your nose too much:

Some beauticians think that the longer they glue their nose, the better. However it is a misconception. Depending on your skin thickness, which is thin or thick, you may need to use nasal glue from one month to three months. The required time will be notified to you by your doctor. Most rhinosurgeons recommend 4 to 6 weeks. Excessive nasal adhesions have no effect on reducing nasal inflammation.

Does applying nasal tape change the shape of a nose?

No, taping on the nose after rhinoplasty may prevent a bulge on the nose and reduce the swelling of the nose by applying a little pressure. But it does not normally change the overall shape of your nose.

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