Double chin suction in iran : price and hospital


Double chin suction in iran : price and hospital


Double chin suction in Iran + Chin surgery cost + advantages, disadvantages and care

Generally excess fat under chin and on the neck is called double chin. It causes a large chin that has a direct effect on your beauty an can be removed by double chin suction.

Factors that cause double chin:

Age increasing:

With age increasing collagen production of the skin is reduced, which causes the skin to loosen and sag and eventually cause wrinkles.

Weight Gain:

An unhealthy, high-fat diet, as well as not exercising, can cause bulky bumps under chin. This type of double chin is also called acute double chin bloating.

Genetics and anatomy:

Some people, without any side effects, have anatomy of the body in such a way that they have a double chin. The best way to treat these people is double chin suction.



Double chin suction

Double chin suction is a very safe and practical operation to remove fat under chin. Chin suction can dramatically improve the appearance of the neck, chin and jaw line. It is done with a very small incision that hides the scar well.

In continue, we intend to discuss how to perform double chin suction and its benefits, duration of chin suction, aftercare of chin suction, as well as the cost and price of It in Iran. So stay with Medvika until the end of this practical article.


double chin



How to do double chin suction?

In this operation, your surgeon can use local anesthesia based on his/her opinion. In this operation, excess fat is removed from under chin with help of small incisions. The surgeon marks the desired areas by marking on the chin and under the neck.

Then she/he disinfects the surgical site. After that, you will be under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. You can also do a facelift during this surgery with advice of your doctor.



double chin

 Advantages of double chin suction

  • Short rest and recovery period
  • Light and quite effective surgery
  • Facial beauty and self confidence
  • No anesthesia during surgery
  • Very little pain and scarring
  • Eliminate facial wrinkles during suction
  • Cost effective
  • No age limit



How long is double chin suction?

Double chin suction surgery is usually performed in half a day in a hospital or clinic. You do not need to stay in the hospital for suction. The recovery period of the suction operation is very short and one week after the operation, the person can continue her\his daily activities.




Post-suction care of chin

As mentioned in the article, double chin suction operation is not a heavy operation and you can continue your activities after 2 or 3 days of rest. Of course, you can also do light activities during this break time. The side effects of chin suction are also very mild and go away very quickly. Also, avoid smoking for a week before the operation.

After the operation, your doctor will usually ask you to apply a special tape to your chin for a few days to apply gentle pressure to the area and keep your chin and neck in better shape.





Double chin suction cost in Iran

Cost of this surgery in Iran, like other surgeries, depends on various factors. These include the physician’s expertise, cost of the operating room, and the cost of anesthesia at the site and time of surgery. But the prices of chin suction in Iran is 500 dollar.

Double chin suction with liposuction laser

In double chin liposuction surgery, which uses laser rays, the skin tissue is strengthened by irradiating rays and causes the disappearance of chin. This method is done without cuts and stitches. In this method, which is one of the new methods, the excess fat under the neck and the excess skin is removed. Double chin liposuction should be performed with the opinion of a specialist. In general, double chin liposuction is a great way to make the neck look younger and slimmer. And by removing the excess fat in this part, it gives a beautiful and young appearance to the person.




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